Any of various mostly tropical herbs, shrubs, and trees of the genus mimosa, having globular heads of small flowers with protruding stamens and usually bipinnate, compound leaves that are often sensitive to touch or light. 含羞草一种含羞草属的多种热带草本植物、灌木及乔本植物,开球状小花,花蕊突出,通常生有二回羽状复叶,对触模和光很敏感。
Large genus of shrubs and trees and some woody vines of central and South america, africa, Australia and polynesia: wattle; mimosa. 中南美地区,非洲,澳大利亚和玻利尼西亚的一些木本藤和乔木和灌木的大属;金合欢树;含羞草。
Any of various tropical shrubs or trees of the genus Mimosa having usually yellow flowers and compound leaves. 任何属于含羞草种的热带灌木或树,有黄花和复合的叶子。